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Easy Meditation for Beginners
Welcome to Easy Meditation for Beginners, your starting point for all your meditation needs.
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Friday, December 2, 2011
Your Recommended Daily Allowance for Relaxation
Stress is the curse of living in modern times. Everyone suffers from stress. And the stress we suffer takes a heavy toll on our bodies, emot...
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
Your 5 minutes daily program to Stress Management
We all have this favorite expression when it comes to being stressed out, and I wouldn't bother naming all of them since it may also var...
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Develop A Belief System That Works For You
Most of us carry with us beliefs that were given to us by others. As we grew up, we had a number of influences who shaped the way that we t...
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Monday, October 31, 2011
7 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier
All of us have days when we're out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood. You've had days like that, haven't you? P...
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