Monday, October 4, 2010

When Life Stinks

Life hits us hard when we least expect it. Below are things you can do to feel better when your day is going wrong. None of these things will change the situation, but they will make you feel better and help you get through until things get better - and they will get better.

*Pamper yourself - Have you ever noticed that pampering yourself goes a long way towards making you feel good? For some people, its shopping, working on the car, playing the guitar, taking a long bubble bath, exercising, eating ice cream. Think about what makes you feel comforted and spend some time doing it.

*Remember good times - When we go through a rough patch, it is the bad memories that keep haunting us. Take a stroll down memory lane (use a photo album if you have to!) and remember the good old days when life was less weary. Spend an extra amount of times on the memories that mean the most.

*Help someone - Helping someone will make you feel needed. I'm sure whoever it is, will be appreciative of your effort. It will also help, to keep you occupied. Sometimes seeing a smile on a person's face and knowing you had a hand in putting it there can turn a bad day into a wonderful one.

*Remember the less fortunate - By taking time to think about those who have less than you, you will start to think about what is good in your life. This will make all but the most drastic events seem better and easier to deal with.

*Remember that this too shall pass. Nothing lasts forever and most bad days don't carry into the next. Know that there is a more positive day just around the corner. A good night's sleep is all it takes to get there.


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